These are results from some of our cases. Please note, we fought extremely hard to achieve these results, but we can never guarantee the outcome of any case. Please note, by sharing these victories, we are not promising or guaranteeing anything. The facts and circumstances in every case very greatly and outcomes always vary on a case by case basis.

$500,000.00 Judgment Auto Negligence Case

Our client was injured in a motorcycle accident. We filed lawsuits to obtain compensation for our client. In the end, we obtained judgments against the Defendants totaling $500,000.00. Read More

Felony OWI Causing Serious Injury-Dismissed at Preliminary Exam

Our client was charged with Felony OWI causing serious injury. We held the preliminary exam and the judge dismissed the felony. Read More

$260,000.00 Settlement in Auto Negligence Case

We recently settled a personal injury case for a client injured in an auto accident where the other driver was negligent. We were fighting the case for over a year and the insurance company’s top offer was for under $5,000.00. The Defense tried… Read More

$250,000.00 Settlement in Auto Negligence Case

We recently settled another personal injury auto negligence lawsuit for $250,000.00. Our client was seriously injured by a negligent driver who caused the crash. We spent significant time investigating and preparing the case prior to filing the lawsu… Read More

$135,000.00 Settlement In Auto Negligence Case

Our client was injured in a car accident when another driver ran a red light and hit him. The insurance company claimed his injuries were minimal and offered him a very small settlement. We continued to fight the case, and we ultimately settled the c… Read More

$98,000.00 Settlement In Auto Negligence Case

Our client was injured in an automobile accident where she sustained injuries to her arm. The insurance company did not want to offer any money. After fighting the case for almost a year, we were able to compromise and settle her case for $98,000.00. Read More

Criminal Sexual Conduct and Strangulation Case Dismissed

Aaron recently represented an innocent man who was falsely accused of 3 counts of criminal sexual conduct in the first degree and strangulation. Our client maintained his innocence and that this was a consensual situation. We vigorously fought the ca… Read More

Aggravated Assault Case, Client Found Not Guilty

Our client was charged with aggravated assault for allegedly attacking her ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend. The alleged victim had substantial injuries and over $8,000.00 in medical bills, but this was a case of self-defense where our client was simp… Read More

Domestic Violence and Assault and Battery Charges, Client found Not Guilty

Our client was charged with Domestic violence against his child’s mother and assault and battery against her friend related to an incident during a parenting time exchange. While these criminal charges were pending, the family law judge in the… Read More

Criminal Sexual Conduct, 3rd Degree, Dismissed

Our client was charged with Criminal Sexual Conduct in the 3rd degree, and the complaint also filed a PPO against our client. The case was set for jury trial. We challenged the PPO. During the PPO proceeding, the complaining witness’s lies were… Read More

Carrying a Concealed Weapon Case, Client found Not Guilty

Our client was charged with carrying a concealed weapon. We tried the case to a jury, and the client was acquitted of all charges. His arrest records and fingerprints were destroyed, and his pistol was returned to him. Read More

Harassment Charges Dismissed

Our client was falsely accused of harassment. We maintained and insisted our client’s actions were legal and harmless, so we set the case for trial. We were confident in this case. At our final jury pre-trial hearing, the prosecution dismissed… Read More

Embezzlement of over $20,000.00, case dismissed

Our client was charged with embezzling over $60,000.00, and prescription fraud from the client’s former employer. We vigorously contested the case, and the detective wanted to add more charges. In the end, all charges were dismissed. Read More

Home Invasion Charge, Dismissed

Our client was charged with felony home invasion in the third degree. Our client did something silly and pushed some boundaries, but he was innocent of any criminal charges. After multiple court hearings, the client’s charges were dismissed by… Read More

Unarmed Robbery Case, Client Found Not Guilty

Our client was charged with unarmed robbery. Our client maintained her innocence, and we took the case to trial, where she was acquitted. Read More

Assault and Battery and Driving While License Suspended, Not Guilty on all charges

Our client was charged with assault and battery and driving while their license was suspended. This case involved an alleged road rage incident and the secretary of state messing up my client’s driving record. Our client maintained his innocenc… Read More

Resisting and Obstructing and Disobeying the Police, Client Found Not Guilty on all charges

Our client was charged with resisting and obstructing an officer and failure to obey the police. The client maintained his innocence, and we went to trial. The jury acquitted him on all charges. Read More

6 Misdemeanor City Ordinance Violations, Client Found Not Guilty on 5 Counts

Our client was charged with 6 city ordinance misdemeanors for various allegations about his property not being in compliance. The client believed the city was harassing him. If the city had won on the alleged driveway charge, the client would have ha… Read More

CSC 1st Degree Investigation, Client Never Charged

Our client was being investigated for allegations he sexually assaulted a woman he hung out with after they left a bar. Aaron was retained. We investigated the case and stayed in contact with the detectives providing them with facts that supported th… Read More

2 Counts of Stalking, Dismissed

Client was charged to 2 counts of stalking over a neighbor dispute. Neighbor also filed a PPO against our client. We challenged the PPO, and the evidentiary hearing, the PPO was dismissed. As the criminal case was heading toward trial, it was discove… Read More

CSC 1st Degree Dismissed the Day of Trial

Client was charged with CSC 1st Degree. He was sitting in Jail for almost a year on a $1 million bond. On the day of his first trial, another attorney and I took over the case and adjourned the trial. We thoroughly investigated the case and found evi… Read More

Felony possession of Drugs, All Charges Dismissed at Preliminary Exam

Client was charged with felony possession of drugs. The drugs did not belong to him and belonged to a 3rd party. We battled the case at the preliminary exam, and the judge dismissed the charges. Read More

Hindering and Officer and Disorderly Conduct Charges Dismissed in Exchange for Civil aInfraction

Our client was charged with hindering and officer in his duties and disorderly conduct. Our client was simply exercising his free speech and the office took it personally. After preparing for trial, it appeared we had a strong case. Our client was a… Read More

PPO Case Dismissed

Our client and his girlfriend purchased a home together. When he would not leave the home, she filed a PPO against him, alleging he assaulted her, and he was ordered to leave the house. The case was also submitted to the prosecutor for a domestic vio… Read More

Domestic Violence Charge, Client Found Not Guilty and PPO dismissed

Our client was falsely accused of domestic violence against his ex-wife. To pile on, she filed a PPO against him. During the jury trial, it was clear, the ex-wife was making up the allegations so she could stop sending their daughter for his parentin… Read More

Assault and Battery case, Client Found Not Guilty

Our client was charged with assaulting his ex-business partner. The business partner showed up at my client’s business. An altercation took place, and my client acted in self-defense. The case went to jury trial and our client was found not guilty.… Read More

Drug Charges Dismissed by Judge

Our client was charged with possession of narcotics. We filed motions to suppress all evidence based upon the officers violating his constitutional rights and illegally searching his car. The judge granted our motion and dismissed his charges. Read More

PPO case Dismissed

Our client’s ex-boyfriend filed a PPO against her, and the PPO was initially granted. The client retained us and filed a motion to terminate the PPO. The attorneys negotiated an agreement whereby the PPO would be dismissed, and the parties woul… Read More

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.