“Lawyer Near Me”

When you are facing a potentially life-changing legal matter, your choice of lawyer matters. Attorney Aaron Hilgendorf has over 17 years of experience successfully representing clients in the Macomb County Circuit Court and municipal district courts throughout Macomb County. Aaron represents clients in criminal defense matters including assault, drug crimes, and DUI; divorce and family law matters; and personal injury matters such as car accidents, dog bites, and slip-and-fall cases.

Macomb County Michigan Circuit Court Lawyer

The Macomb County Circuit Court is also called the 16th Judicial Circuit Court. It is located at 40 N. Main St., Mt. Clemens, Michigan.

The Circuit Court handles serious criminal cases, including felonies punishable by more than one year in prison. The Circuit Court also has exclusive jurisdiction over family law matters in Macomb County. Civil cases such as personal injury matters where the amount in controversy is more than $25,000 are also heard in the Circuit Court.

Macomb County District Courts

Misdemeanor crimes, traffic offenses, civil infractions, and ordinance violations committed in Macomb County are handled by municipal district courts throughout the county, including:

  • 37th District Court, Warren
    • 8300 Common Road, Warren, Michigan
  • 38th District Court, Eastpointe
    • 16101 East 9 Mile Road, Eastpointe, Michigan
  • 39th District Court, Roseville
    • 29733 Gratiot Avenue, Roseville, Michigan
  • 40th District Court, St. Clair Shores
    • 27701 Jefferson Avenue, St. Clair Shores, Michigan
  • 41A District Court, Sterling Heights
    • 40111 Dodge Park Road, Sterling Heights, MI
  • 41B District Court, Clinton Township
    • 22380 Starks Drive, Clinton Township, Michigan
  • 42-1 District Court, Romeo
    • 14713 33 Mile Road, Romeo, Michigan
  • 42-2 District Court, New Baltimore
    • 35071 23 Mile Road, New Baltimore, Michigan

As a general rule, criminal matters heard by district courts in Macomb County carry lighter penalties than those heard by the Circuit Court. That doesn’t mean they should be treated lightly. These offenses can still carry jail time and affect your future, such as employment opportunities, ability to drive legally, and other rights. For this reason, it is important to work with an experienced Macomb County defense attorney regardless of the court in which you have been charged.

More Than Just a Defense Lawyer Near Macomb County

Family Law and Personal Injury Representation

Attorney Aaron Hilgendorf is a trusted Macomb County family law attorney who handles matters such as divorce and child custody. In Macomb County, family law cases are the jurisdiction of the 16th Judicial Circuit Court. Most family law cases in Macomb County settle without a necessity of a trial, but Aaron prepares every case thoroughly to achieve the best possible results for his clients, whether through settlement or at trial.

With his strong reputation as a litigator, many Macomb County clients turn to Aaron Hilgendorf when they have injuries from a car accident, dog bite, or premises liability case. As with all of his cases, Aaron prepares every personal injury case as if it will be tried in front of a jury. His intense preparation positions his clients to receive the best possible settlement offer from insurance companies.

Contact Macomb County Lawyer Aaron Hilgendorf

Hilgendorf Law represents clients in criminal and civil matters throughout Macomb County, and attorney Aaron Hilgendorf is prepared to represent your interests in any court in the county. If you need a litigator to stand up for your rights, especially against a powerful insurance company or the criminal justice system, contact Hilgendorf Law today.